Showing posts with label Milestones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Milestones. Show all posts

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Birthday!

My sweet baby girl is 7 months!

Photos from her November 16th "birthday"...

Friday, September 25, 2009

Alivia is 5 months!!!!


My sweet Livia!

Scoot-roll-scoot-roll-scoot and superman belly balance!!!

Happy 5 months!
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Friday, September 4, 2009

Alivia really is 4 months now :)

Four months on August 16!

She's happy. She's sweet. She's growing bigger and hitting all of her baby milestones. She reaches and grabs onto toys now! Rolls over to her side to get to Mommy or to get a toy. She loves sling riding still and her brother and sister!
She's Alivia. Sweet as ever!
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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Alivia is THREE months!

When Alivia turned 3 months (July 16, 09) we were at Hilton Head Island, SC. On her "birthday" she got her face painted and went to the Salty Dog with us!!!! A very full day! (a littly tardy updating any pics... I have SO many pis of the summer. Every time I think about updating here it overwhelms me so much until I just sign onto facebook and forget why I got on the computer to begin with...oopsie.)

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Alivia is TWO months!

Time is flying by, as is to be expected I guess. Each summer day is filled with comings and goings but Alivia Grace stays by my side the whole time... the beauty of a nursing baby.

Alivia has always loved getting her diaper changed, from day one. She quiets whenever I change her and now will thank me with a sweet "coo"! Surprisingly she does not like riding in the car and refuses a pacifier... which makes the whole experience that much more exciting. Next week we leave for Georgia then Hilton Head Island... um, say a prayer for us!

Two months brings the most heart melting smiles and babbling a mother can hear. After weeks of hard work and baby seems to take no notice of you save nursing time, suddenly the light shines and angels sing when she looks at you with a grin and a soft melodic sigh. Oh the gifts of motherhood!

Two months and my "advanced" little angel is in complete control of her head, turning and fixing her gaze where she pleases... like a ceiling fan LOL. She loves watching them go around and around...

Well I postponed posting because I haven't time to sit and type my thoughts, but I may just go on posting random pics of life over the next few weeks. So many wonderful sweet moments...

Finally, brothers,
whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable-
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-
think about such things. Philippians 4:8

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Birth Day Alivia Grace!!!

Alivia Grace
April 16 at 2:54 AM
8lbs. 14oz. 20.5 in

...fearfully and wonderfully made.

The short story...
I dialated to 10 cm with zero pain and mild contractions. My water broke and stronger contractions began. I labored in water for a couple of hours, which was wonderful. A little to good, because I relaxed so much between contractions I started to FALL ASLEEP! My contractions began to slow down and shorten so I got out of the water. With the encouragement of my loving and attentive husband and the experienced hands of my midwife I birthed Alivia into this world.
All praise and glory to God!

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More Pics from Emma's 4th!!!

A gymnastics party for Emma! Her birthday is on February 18th and we celebrated on Valentines Day! She had a blast!!! By the time it got around time to opening presents (after more than an hour of gym time and cake time!) she was so tired!!!
Fun memories with great friends!
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